Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing #21 Podcasts with Photostory & Audacity

Our 8th grade advanced language arts students created PhotoStory book reviews over Holocaust books for the first time last spring. Their teacher is going to make this a tradition now that she has seen how much the students enjoyed doing this. There is a great tutorial online that she used with them which walks the user through one step at a time:

I located the tutorials and went through them, but they never even needed any help from me on this. PhotoStory3 is very easy to use.

I knew about Audacity and had downloaded it but had not used it. Since I'm very visual, I like to see things best but some of the audio podcasts (especially by younger kids) can be very effective. Younger kids aren't as critical of their own voices.

Here is a Photostory3 Video I created featuring my son-in-law. He caught the largest fish of the day plus another one so I took pictures of him in our back yard and then had fun playing with the features in PhotoStory3 to give the story some colorful and crazy scenes. I thought that making the last photo go "negative" made it look like he was still standing there with his catch late into the night.


  1. looks like you all may have had a good dinner from all of his efforts!
    I'm gaining a son-in-law in about 2 weeks..I look forward to fun times like your little story!

  2. Yes, we ate them the next day. It was a nice ending to our story.

    I hope that your son-in-law is as sweet as mine!

  3. Cute photostorey - I like the way you flipped the photo. Jasononline is a nice step by step site for photostorey too.
